Tuesday, 8 November 2016

7 Physical Benefits Saying Islamic Prayer

Physical Benefits Saying Islamic Prayer:

1. Improved Body Posture:

Having an improper body posture is one of the most widely recognized things to which people search for a treatment. An uncalled for stance can occur because of various reasons managing the way a man strolls or the kind of work he or she does. At the point when a Muslim performs Prayer, remaining in the condition of Niyyah is the best practice he or she can have for an enhanced body act. The feet of a man are uniformly separated, the body is firm and straight, the hands are tide at a place which makes the spine adjusted and straight and the position of the head is looking downwards that also allows the body to loosen while being in a firm position. Thus, in such a stance the brain as well as the body is at ease and when such a portion is practiced multiple times everyday, It unquestionably enhances the stance of the body.